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How to include a dcat:DatasetSeries into a dcat:Catalog, directly? #348

Open jimjyang opened 4 months ago

jimjyang commented 4 months ago

dcat:DatasetSeries in DCAT3 is a subclass of dcat:Dataset, and you may then use the property dcat:dataset to include a dcat:DatasetSeries into a dcat:Catalog. Now, dcat:DatasetSeries in DCAT-AP 3.0.0 draft is not a subclass of dcat:Dataset but dcat:Resource. Is the "generic" property dcat:resource meant for this purpose, which though is not included in DCAT-AP 3.0.0 draft. Or, perhaps better to create a subproperty of dcat:resource, e.g. dcatap:datasetSeries?

bertvannuffelen commented 3 weeks ago

@jimjyang we have raised this issue in W3C. Since the W3C issue itself is postponed for the future it would be good to make a decision at DCAT-AP.

There are 3 proposals to be discussed:

  1. remove the DCAT-AP preference for the specific relationship and change the recommendation to dcat:resource.
  2. use dcat:dataset but then the target could be either a Dataset or a Dataset Series.
  3. introduce dcat-ap:datasetseries in line with the other properties.

Each has its benefits and drawbacks. Since this has possibly a substantial impact on implementations I propose to have a discussion with the community and leave for now the choice open.

Note: There is a bidirectional machine conversion possible between the proposals. The main topic is the expectation management of the ranges of the properties.