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SPDX Vokabular - the existing SPDX vocabulary features only ONE has algorithm. This is definitely not enough and does not even covers those algorithms used by CKAN today. #44

Closed init-dcat-ap-de closed 4 years ago

makxdekkers commented 6 years ago

@init-OGD Are you suggesting to add a new property to the Distribution? If so, do you know of any existing properties in other vocabularies that could be used?

makxdekkers commented 6 years ago

Proposed resolution | Retain issue for next major semantic release.

addragan commented 5 years ago

@init-dcat-ap-de Request for more details on the issue. Is it a suggestion to add a new property to the Distribution? If so, do you know of any existing properties in other vocabularies that could be used?

init-dcat-ap-de commented 5 years ago

We wanted to have a greater choice when refering to hash algorithms using SPDX Vocabulary

Meanwhile today, SPDX 2.1 features 3 algorithms algorithm value checksumAlgorithm_md5 or algorithm value checksumAlgorithm_sha1 or algorithm value checksumAlgorithm_sha256 knows some more (MD2; MD1; SHA384), unsure about its usage:

NatasaSofou commented 5 years ago

Proposed resolution: no change