This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of DCAT-AP
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check existence of URIs #57

Closed bertvannuffelen closed 4 years ago

bertvannuffelen commented 5 years ago

Sometimes it is best to include a persistence quality check on the used predicates.

E.g. is dead. It is also a domain that is likely to be changed, or possibly abandoned in the future. Even the company does and has done great work for the semantic web, it is not wise to depend a standard on a companies domain.

btw. it happened in the recent past also for more reliable source such as dcterms, void that they were not anymore accessible.

addragan commented 5 years ago

Proposed resolution: Perform a persistence quality to clean up the existence of URIs used as predicates.

init-dcat-ap-de commented 4 years ago

Does DCAT-AP use the VOAF and the VANN namespaces at all? After a quick scan I couldn't find them in the document or the UML diagram. Or is there another reason to list them?

andrea-perego commented 4 years ago
  1. The persistent namespace for VOAF is
  2. And for VANN is
  3. As far as I remember, VOAF and VANN are used in the RDF representation of DCAT-AP for describing the vocabulary itself.
bertvannuffelen commented 4 years ago

resolution: resolved.