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Missing dct:rights on Data Service #96

Closed jakubklimek closed 2 years ago

jakubklimek commented 4 years ago

It is important to specify the terms of use of a data service, and especially for open data and open APIs.

Therefore, I propose that dct:rights is recommended both for distribution and data service. Currently, on Data Service, it is missing completely in DCAT-AP 2.0.0.

bertvannuffelen commented 4 years ago

resolution: since this requires more discussion on how license and rights are combined and interrelate, and what are the guidelines to be included in DCAT-AP, this postponed for a future release.

bertvannuffelen commented 3 years ago

updated proposed resolution to maintain the specification as is.


bertvannuffelen commented 2 years ago

During WG 21 Oct 2021, the wg accepted the proposal to keep the specification as is.