Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Meaning of recommended properties on Standards #101

Open jakubklimek opened 3 months ago

jakubklimek commented 3 months ago

Motivation GeoDCAT-AP 2.0.0 specifies recommended properties for Standards:

However, even in GeoDCAT-AP examples, the recommended properties are not used, e.g. Example 25:

<> a dct:Standard ;
  dct:identifier "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"^^xsd:anyURI ;
  dct:title "CRS84"@en ;
  dct:type <> ;
  skos:inScheme <> ;
  skos:prefLabel "CRS84"@en .


  1. What is the meaning of recommended here? Should the properties be used with all standards mentioned in GeoDCAT-AP? e.g. with in the following example?
    [] a dcat:DataService;
    dct:conformsTo <> .
  2. Should they be used only for standards for which there are no URIs?
  3. Is there a registry of standards in which the standards are documented using the recommended properties?

Possible proposals

  1. Move recommended properties to optional properties for Standards
jakubklimek commented 3 months ago

Voting on this issue postponed to give the community more time to discuss it here in GitHub.

jakubklimek commented 1 month ago

Since no additional feedback was received, this is resolved in sync with #109 - all properties for supporting entities, including Standards, will be optional.