Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Info: on distribution / dataservice mapping rules #120

Open joachimnielandt opened 1 month ago

joachimnielandt commented 1 month ago

The following describes the mappings to dcat distributions and dataservices, deployed in Flanders. This ticket serves to share the approach and boost a discussion around the core mapping of ISO INSPIRE to GeoDCAT-AP.

Below there are two rules for Distributions: the first is the obvious case where the data is shared as a downloadable file, the second corresponds to a more interactive distribution where an API must be consumed to download the whole dataset. The third rule is about Data Services.

Observe that in our case the INSPIRE simplication for metadata was not performed for our ISO INSPIRE metadata. Consequently the Data Services do not have to be derived from transferOptions/OnlineResources embedded in a Dataset. They are independently documented. And this structure closely corresponds to the DCAT resources. Therefore the challenge is more situated at creating proper interlinked DCAT resources of datasets, distributions and data services.

Create dcat distribution (downloadable)

for MD_ScopeCode = 'dataset' map each gmd:transferOptions > gmd:CI_OnlineResource if protocol in ['WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-ftp--download', 'WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download', 'LINKdownload-store']

gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL is mapped to the required dcat:accessURL

Name title
Description description
Linkage accessURL
Format format

Formats are taken from the list provided by the EU Publications Office (, also discussed in #119.

Create dcat distribution (specific layer of downloadable service)

for MD_ScopeCode = 'dataset' map each gmd:transferOptions > gmd:CI_OnlineResource if protocol in ['getMap/getTile', 'getFeature/getCoverage']

Attribute Description
accessURL (GDI-Vlaanderen) limited URL
accessService Dataservice that responds to the query
alternativeIdentifier (adms:identifier) The parameter that identifies the distribution data in a geoservice
description Default message: The accessURL refers to a limited set of data, as defined in the GDI-Vlaanderen terms.

Example alternativeIdentifier:

_:skos:notation"<laag>" ^^ <wms:Layer>.
For the various service types, the following literal type (?) is used: Distribution Service entity Literal type
WMS Layer
WMTS Layer (not resolvable)
WFS Feature
WCS Coverage

Example use cases:


Create dcat dataservice

for each type (WMS, WFS, ...) of MD_ScopeCode = service map 1 service operation to dcat:endpointURL and dcat:endpointDescription

uvoges commented 1 month ago

This is arelated issue I guess: