Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Mapping of ISO metadata datestamp to DCAT #124

Open uvoges opened 1 month ago

uvoges commented 1 month ago

Generally the DCAT-AP metadata only contains information about the data itself not the metadata. That means that the date from the gmd:dateStamp attribute is not mapped to DCAT-AP as it is about the metadata not the data. This mapping is important as the metadata datestamp is important for harvesting purposes.This should be clarified in GeoDCAT-AP

jakubklimek commented 1 month ago

Actually, this is mapped to DCAT-AP's dcat:CatalogRecord, specifically dcterms:modified, as can be seen in this example and these lines of the XSLT.

uvoges commented 1 month ago

Jakub, Do you think 2 datestamps are needed the one of the original metadata item which is being mapped and of the actual DCAT Catalog Record entry? ...taking into account different harvesting scenarios...?

jakubklimek commented 1 month ago

Well, the original metadata item is represented by the DCAT Catalog Record - so they should be the same thing. Do you have another opinion?

uvoges commented 4 days ago

No, would be fine with me