Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Mapping ISO dates to GeoDCAT-AP #125

Open uvoges opened 1 month ago

uvoges commented 1 month ago

There are three dates from the ISO metadata (metadata related to the data/Ressouce) that are mapped to DCAT-AP when present, the creation date, the publication date and the date of the last modification. I guess the corresponding XPath in ISO19115/19139 is: gmd:identificationInfo/(srv:SV_ServiceIdentification|gmd:MD_DataIdentification)/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date. The dates are mapped according to their CI_DateTypeCode. Different codeListValues are mapped to different elements in DCAT-AP. Example: DCAT-AP: dct:issued - This is the Date of publication

 <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2010-10-05</dct:issued>   

mapping from ISO19115-Xpath:

The list below shows the different mappings to DCAT-AP: codelListValue DCAT-AP
creation dct:created
publication dct:issued
revision dct:modified
jakubklimek commented 1 month ago

@uvoges What you describe is also described in B.6.11 Temporal reference and metadata date –Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) and Metadata date stamp and handled here in the XSLT.

What is your suggestion here?