Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Agent-role distributor in Distribution context #81

Open joachimnielandt opened 7 months ago

joachimnielandt commented 7 months ago

In a number of agent roles are presented. A question arises when considering that there could be a more strict definition or expectation of a role within a specific context.

For instance, a distributor is a role about distributing a resource. That is clear for a Distribution as this is a precise specific instance of a Dataset. For a Dataset the semantics become a bit more fuzzy: is the distributor agent responsible for the distribution of all Distributions associated with a dataset?

Assessing the impact of the agent-roles and associating them with a preferred DCAT class could be discussed.

jakubklimek commented 7 months ago

@joachimnielandt just to clarify, do you suggest that GeoDCAT-AP would provide further guidance on which of these roles based on the INSPIRE responsible party role code list are suitable for which of the DCAT classes - Dataset, Distribution, Data Service, Catalog instead of the current generic approach?

Do you have any specific suggestions?

joachimnielandt commented 6 months ago

Indeed, having some guideline on which role is applicable could be helpful. Where this information should be supplied, I don't know. For GeoDCAT-AP Vlaanderen (Flemish), the following was defined as the mapping, for example:

ISO ScopeCode ISO(en) ISO(nl) Metadata DCAT GeoDCAT-AP URI (class) card.
service Custodian Beheerder Uitgever Publisher dct:publisher (dataservice) 1..1
service PointOfContact Contactpunt Contactinformatie ContactPoint dcat:contactPoint (dataservice) 1..1
dataset Owner Eigenaar Owner dct:rightsHolder (dataset) 0..1
dataset Owner Eigenaar Publisher (1) dct:publisher (dataset) 1..1
dataset Distributor Verdeler Distributor geodcat:distributor (distribution) 0..1
dataset PointOfContact Contactpunt Contactinformatie ContactPoint dcat:contactPoint (dataset) 1..1
dataset Publisher Beheerder Uitgever Publisher dct:publisher (dataset) 1..1

(1) if gmd:publisher is missing we map the gmd:owner to dct:publisher, as this is semantically closest

jakubklimek commented 6 months ago

@joachimnielandt Your mapping basically corresponds to the mapping specified in GeoDCAT-AP B.6.16 Responsible party and metadata point of contact - Dataset responsible party and Metadata point of contact with the exception for Custodian, which GeoDCAT-AP maps to geodcat:custodian and you map it, for a service, to dct:publisher.

However, it is still a bit unclear to me, what exactly is your proposed improvement, as you mentioned that you would suggest Distributor to be used with Distributions, however, even in your mapping, it is used with a Dataset.

Could it maybe be boiled down to your original question

Is distributor agent (specified on dataset) responsible for the distribution of all Distributions associated with a dataset?


Are there any rules like these in the INSPIRE guidelines?

joachimnielandt commented 5 months ago

@jakubklimek the table above might not have been clear enough - we have modified the header so that the first column indicates the ISO scopecode and the URI column contains the target dcat class.

The main takeaway would be the following line:

ISO ScopeCode ISO(en) ISO(nl) Metadata DCAT GeoDCAT-AP URI (class) card.
dataset Distributor Verdeler Distributor geodcat:distributor (distribution) 0..1
jakubklimek commented 5 months ago

@joachimnielandt OK, so if I understand this correctly, you are saying that in your mapping rules, you have a mapping saying that a Distributor of a dataset in the ISO metadata is mapped to geodcat:distributor property on a dcat:Distribution, not a dcat:Dataset, whereas in GeoDCAT-AP 2.0.0 this is mapped to geodcat:distributor property on a dcat:Dataset.

And you propose to discuss, whether the geodcat:distributor should be moved from dcat:Dataset to dcat:Distribution and the mapping adjusted?

joachimnielandt commented 5 months ago

Indeed, discussing moving the attribute from dcat:Dataset to dcat:Distribution would be the proposal. Or at least a clarification of what if means to have a distributor on a Dataset level.

jakubklimek commented 4 months ago

Proposition was rejected during the webinar.