Repository of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP)
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Spatial resolution as text mapped to `rdfs:comment` #95

Open jakubklimek opened 3 months ago

jakubklimek commented 3 months ago

Problem statement In GeoDCAT-AP 2.0.0, the Spatial resolution as text on

is mapped to the generic rdfs:comment.

This makes correct assignment of usage notes, labels and the required code lists rather difficult, as well as consequent validation e.g. via SHACL. The current approach is not in line with the profiling guidelines established in the context of the SEMIC Style Guide property reuse guideline Reuse of a property with terminological adaptations and Reuse of a property with semantic adaptations. Also, the approach becomes even more problematic in a cross-profile environment where incompatible requirements can be easily made.

In addition, in the respective Deprecated properties sections (e.g. Data Service), rdfs:comment for spatial resolution is listed as deprecated, replaced by two specific approaches for structured spatial resolution, and then, in the note, it is mentioned that rdfs:comment can still be used in other cases, which is further confusing.

Proposal Introduce a profile specific property geodcatap:spatialResolutionAsText and attach the usage notes there. Consequently, deprecate usage of rdfs:comment for spatial resolution completely.

jakubklimek commented 3 months ago

Approved during the webinar.