SEMICeu / LinkedDataEventStreams

The Linked Data Event Streams specification
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Using git protocol as LDES transmission protocol #25

Closed sandervd closed 1 year ago

sandervd commented 1 year ago

I have had this idea for quite some time, to use GIT as a way of synchronizing graphs over the network. The data structure behind git, namely blob, tree and commit objects, could mix quite elegantly with the way LDES is structured. (an old writing I did about this: ) As git has internal optimisations, such as packfiles that can make transfer of deltas much more efficient than one by one...

Anyone interested in exploring this topic? I haven't looked into the constraints of git (the most important on would be the max size of tree objects), and at the moment I don't have a use case, I just wanted to throw the idea out for now :)

pietercolpaert commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll close this issue for now as it is not linked to a concrete use case. We will however explore how to combine Activity Streams with LDES, which might be first interesting step in that direction.