SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Secondary Education - Core Person data diagram should show GenderCode and BirthName too #105

Closed SebastianSklarss closed 3 years ago

SebastianSklarss commented 3 years ago

Some attributes on the person are missing in the diagram (but not in the Core person model) that will be needed for identifying a person (e.g. having gained learning achievements abroad and then coming back to Germany handing in the foreign educational evidence for recognition in a new higher education institution):

Detail: In Germany in absence (still) of a person idenitifier we need the following data to identify a person in a residence register if the current adress is not known: (source:


so at least the BirthName and the GenderCode of the core Person data model should be added in the current data model diagram (as optional) in order to identify a person via the personal data on the education credential in the German residence registers.


So knowing that in Sweden the NameOfBirth ( is not on the certificate in Germany in absence of a person Identifier it would be useful.

In doing so you could differenciate a person "Erika Mustermann geb. Müller" from "Erika Mustermann geb. Stabler"

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@SebastianSklarss thanks for your comment and apologies for the late feedback. Gendercode and BirthName, as your refer them to, have been added to the final version (under internal review) - following the SDG review - of the completion of secondary education evidence.