SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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educational evidences: Feedback on errata issues and deviations between tables and diagrams #124

Closed XHochschuleDE closed 3 years ago

XHochschuleDE commented 3 years ago

The German project XHEIE.EU will soon provide several consolidated comments of German Higher Education Institutions to the educational evidences on a field per field basis.

Meanwhile smaller quick-fix issues recognised during the analysis that were sent to us (credits to Markus von der Heyde of SemaLogic UG):

  1. contains-relationship in diagramm but not in table shows a "contains" relationship which is not shown in the corresponding table

  2. wrong spelling of example name in given name Johann Sebastian Bach the great German composer and musician of the Baroque period has its first given name spelled with two "n" (not Johan!) (And yes, this small error needs to be fixed also at the source meaning the core person vocabulary

  3. missing entity definition Issuing Authority in University Diploma and University Diploma Supplement and Record of Results evidence Issuing Authority is mentioned as entity but not defined in the model diagramm nor in the table. In the expected type was casted to Public Organisation

Sebastian commenting under the umbrella of / XHEIE

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@XHochschuleDE thanks for letting us know.

  1. This will be corrected in the new version of the table.
  2. Indeed, this is an error at the Core Person Voc level. We will however change it in all our models.
  3. Issuing Authority used to be a class but is now modelled as a relationship in all models. We didn't see any definition missing.
SebastianSK commented 2 years ago

@cbahim : In Core Vocabularies 2) was fixed but I still can find it here (saw it through the review of the SDG technical design documents):

Regarding 2) Johann Sebastian Bach still missing one "n" in

a) Income tax

b) and criminal record
