SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Evidence Diploma: joint degrees, designation, title of final exam and other attributes missing #129

Closed XHochschuleDE closed 3 years ago

XHochschuleDE commented 3 years ago

Several information on a diploma that might be necessary for a) applying for a job or b) recognition processes as defined in user centric WP2 and Annexe II of SDGR are not yet present in the data model university diploma.

Examples are:

  1. title of the final exam (Abschlussarbeit) should be there coded in TEXT allowing for language variants
  2. language of the diploma (or will there be ONE Diploma with all the language variants in one file?)
  3. ISCED Level 11 and ISCED Level F13 (see also here on the codelist for fields of studys and qualifications and ) Germany has to differenciate a Bachelor of a University from a Bachelor in a Fachhochschule
  4. Academic Programme (Studiengang, Fachkombination)
  5. Gender of Person see
  6. Designation (Summa cum laude, etc)
  7. specialisation - it might be important to indicate the specialisation of a student's study
  8. multiple courses including the marks leading to the diploma (e.g. Mehr-Fach-Studiengängen für alle Lehramtsbachelor Gymnasium/Gesamtschule but different grades (B.A. oder B.Sc.) regarding the combination of courses)
  9. Link to the diploma supplement - see

In some cases the cardinalities must be fixed:

  1. cardinalities between Diploma and issuingAuthority 1..* allowing for joint degrees (a diploma issued by two or even more higher education institutions, see for a French-German example)
  2. mandatory issuing place (there is no diploma without knowing from which Member State it was issued and if so it will not be recognisable

This issue was found within the XHEIE German SDG data model "call for comments" amongst others by Universität des Saarlandes, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT), RWTH Aachen, Universität Mannheim, Hochschulen des Freistaates Sachsen on the evidence diploma.

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@XHochschuleDE thanks for your comments

XHochschuleDE commented 3 years ago

Thank you @cbahim , please do not forget diplomas issued by more than one institution. (Joint degrees)

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@XHochschuleDE Thanks for your comment!

Indeed, we did not forget it. We have changed the cardinality of obtainedAt and issuingAuthority to [1..*] for all education-related evidences (except for the completion of secondary education evidence).

New version of the diagrams and tables will be published Monday at the latest.

Thanks again for your help.