SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Education Evidences Errata - Missing complex types Period and Identifier in diagramme and tables #142

Closed XHochschuleDE closed 3 years ago

XHochschuleDE commented 3 years ago

The following complex data types are mentioned, but in contrast to other concepts, not defined further in the specification (table, diagramm).

  1. Period e.g. in Academic Year in Record of Results Evidence
  2. Identifier in Organisation.Identifier e.g. in Diploma

This issue was found in the 2nd German call for comments by Universität des Saarlandes & Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes and Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Primuss-Verbund

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@XHochschuleDE further clarifications on the data types can be accessed here. Let me know if this is still unclear to you.