SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Contingent properties of the data classes #154

Closed psiotwo closed 1 year ago

psiotwo commented 3 years ago

Additionally to to #153, multiple marriages are expected for a single person. Thus the fields familyNameAfterMarriage, familyNameBeforeMarriage, maritalStatusBeforeMarriage seem to be more properties of the person’s participation in the marriage than of the person herself. Having this in mind, either having them inside the Marriage class, or (more ontologically correctly) having them in a dedicated Qua object PersonParticipationInMarriage might help in data integrations.

cbahim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your comment, @psiotwo. Allow me to ask, but in case of multiple marriages, we would have multiple evidences, correct? But I agree with your comment, which is why we modelled this evidence that way.

Thus the fields familyNameAfterMarriage, familyNameBeforeMarriage, maritalStatusBeforeMarriage seem to be more properties of the person’s participation in the marriage than of the person herself

Could you illustrate the following point?

having them in a dedicated Qua object PersonParticipationInMarriage might help in data integrations.

psiotwo commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your comment, @psiotwo. Allow me to ask, but in case of multiple marriages, we would have multiple evidences, correct?

Since MarriedPerson inherits from Person, I can imagine that having two marriage certificates reflecting two different marriages of the same person would result in having e.g. two different properties for the familyNameAfterMarriage attribute (provided the two MarriedPerson instances will share their Identifier) that will not be distinguishable.

But I understand that maybe this scenario is beyond the scope of this data modeling initiative.

EmielPwC commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your interest and contribution. Please note that this GitHub space is currently not updated (will be soon deprecated), and similar inputs and requests are now handled by the OOTS Helpdesk.

For your information, the current approach for SDG OOTS aims at the reuse of existing data models (where possible) and systems as a possible vehicle for OOTS evidence exchange.

For more information and to stay up-to-date with OOTS developments please consult the recently launched Once Only Hub or reach out to the OOTS Helpdesk.