SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Private universities vs. Public Organization mismatch #155

Closed psiotwo closed 3 years ago

psiotwo commented 3 years ago

Secondary Education Completion Evidence mentions private universities as possible issuers of the Evidence. How do private universities (mentioned in the methodology doc) fit to this? Can they be considered PublicOrganizations?

cbahim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your comment, @psiotwo. Can you point us to where we refer to private universities in the completion of secondary education evidence?

It is true that we received a comment about not all EducationInstitutions and issuingAuthorities being Public Organisations (#125). We made the change accordingly in all tertiary education related evidences but not in the secondary education completion evidence.

psiotwo commented 3 years ago

I am speaking about the description of Step 1.3

cbahim commented 3 years ago

Private universities can be related to the organisation class. All references to public organisations have been removed from our education related models.