SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Proposed resolutions for the education credentials related data model #188

Closed cbahim closed 1 year ago

cbahim commented 3 years ago

As presented during our tenth webinar, work package editors carried out a testing exercise with a subset of member states. For this exercise, volunteers were tasked to test the model against instance data and look at both the provider and consumer perspective. As a result, some comments were made on the potential flaws and blind spots of the current education credentials common data models. In the table below you can find a list of changes concerning the diploma, diploma supplement and record of results that will be applied to the models. Note that changes marked ‘quick fix’ will be made to the models regardless of the discussions on this thread. Changes marked as ‘proposal’ are up for discussion. If by the end of April 2021, no objections are made, work package editors shall proceed with the changes.

Evidence Attribute Issue Solution Type
All All Allow multilingualism All text-related attributes will have an unbounded cardinality Quick fix
All Identifier The identifiers provided might not be unique Specify in the usage notes that the identifiers might not be unique Quick fix
All Identifier The identifiers provided are national identifiers Specify in the usage notes that the identifiers might be country-specific Quick fix
All Issuing place Location of the education institution / organisation is already captured. Besides, it might open the door to scoping issue (e.g. which location, whether it's about where the evidence was issued, or else?) Remove the attribute Proposal
All Belongs to The attribute should expect Person instead of Student Change the relation between evidence and Student to Person Quick fix
All N/A The licence of the education is not captured Add a licence related attribute Proposal
All Institution identifier The definition isn’t clear enough Improve the definition and remove the reference to ‘acronym’ Quick fix
All Person identifier The definition isn’t clear enough Improve the definition and remove the reference to ‘relation’ Quick fix
All Admin unit level 2 The code list does allow non-European issuer. The code list does allow for a precise location, e.g. Berlin city, Berlin district, Berlin region N/A Question
All Grade distribution A text field hinders providing data, besides the attribute has no match with national models Remove the attribute Proposal
All N/A N/A Align on Europass learning model and add assessment type, language of assessment, mode of assessment and method of assessment Proposal
All N/A Grading scheme is complex to implement Delete the attribute and add two new ones, e.g. minimum mark to pass and maximum mark (it can either be alphabetical scales or numerical scales) Proposal
All Grade value N/A Align on Europass learning model Proposal
All Person registered address Not needed & sensitive data Remove the attribute Proposal
All Sex Not needed & sensitive data Remove the attribute Proposal
SebastianSK commented 3 years ago

The "German" concerns on Admin Unit Level 2 not being sufficienct were raised now directly at core location vocabulary review:

EmielPwC commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your interest and contribution. Please note that this GitHub space is currently not updated (will be soon deprecated), and similar inputs and requests are now handled by the OOTS Helpdesk.

For your information, the current approach for SDG OOTS aims at the reuse of existing data models (where possible) and systems as a possible vehicle for OOTS evidence exchange.

For more information and to stay up-to-date with OOTS developments please consult the recently launched Once Only Hub or reach out to the OOTS Helpdesk.