SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Marriage certificate: (optional) witnesses ? #19

Closed barthanssens closed 3 years ago

barthanssens commented 4 years ago

Not a subject expert, but some countries require witnesses to be present at the wedding (and also note down the names of those witnesses). I assume this information is not required for cross-border exchange of marriage certificates ? Would it be useful to have the possibility to add [0..n] witnesses, or would this be overkill ?

sethvanhooland commented 4 years ago

Good question Bart. It would be good to hear from domain experts which countries do or do not include this within their models, either as optional or obligatory. My guess would be we could include it in the optional elements a MS can use to extend the application profile.

tomayac commented 4 years ago

It’s optional to nominate up to two groomsmen in Germany:

sethvanhooland commented 4 years ago

Thanks for clarifying us on the situation in Germany Tom!

giorgialodi commented 4 years ago

Hi all, I am not really expert of certificates, however, looking at some Italian laws and Municipalities' institutional web sites, the situation is more or less as follows. When you get married, the marriage is registered in a so-called "marriage act" that contains all info, even the name, surname, place and birth date and residency of the witnesses. In the marriage certificate, this info seems not present because the role of the certificate should be to demonstrate the date and place of the marriage happened between two persons (whose names are in the certificate) . People can ask for so called "extracts per summary of the marriage act" where additional info (they call it "annotations") wrt the certificate can be included (e.g, the patrimonial regime of the spouses, citizenship). Besides this, it is possible to have a copy of the marriage act with the detailed info. In essence, it seems to me that this information is not mandatory for our country in the marriage certificates.

pfragkou commented 4 years ago

I agree with Giorgia. The same holds in Greece, both for civil as well as chiurch marriages. When you get married, the marriage is registered in a so-called "marriage act" that contains all info, even the name, surname, place and birth date and residency of the witnesses. In the marriage certificate, this info seems not present because the role of the certificate should be to demonstrate the date and place of the marriage happened between two persons (whose names are in the certificate) . The marriage certificate does not mention neither the witness data.

ibodor commented 3 years ago

Ingrid (FIN): in Finland (at least) two witnesses must be present/testify/sign but no data of these persons are in the digital marriage certificate issued by the competent authority.

cbahim commented 3 years ago

Thank you all for your contribution, looking at the above points we don't think it is necessary to include the witnesses in the marriage evidence.