SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Marriage certificate: Citizenship #35

Closed cecileguasch closed 3 years ago

cecileguasch commented 4 years ago

Would (Administrative territorial unit) be the appropriate controlled vocabulary for this code list.

makxdekkers commented 4 years ago

That vocabulary only includes "the various administrative territorial units of the EU Member States". Marriages may involve persons with citizenship of countries outside of the EU.

dechden commented 4 years ago

We would suggest to use the country authority table

cecileguasch commented 4 years ago

I agree

ibodor commented 3 years ago

Ingrid (FIN): please note, citizenship (of either of the parties) does not appear (not mandatory) in the digital marriage certificate issued by the competent Finnish authority.

cbahim commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in issue #38, ES does not record information on citizenship

we don't have in our marriage records information on the "citizenship", "capacityToMarry" or "maritalStatusBeforeMarriage" of persons

cbahim commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in issue #53, IT suggests to have the attribute citizenship optional.

Finally, citizenship is mandatory in this data model (unlike in the case of the birth certificate). We suggest to keep this property optional in the Person class.

For EL, the attribute is mandatory.

Citizenship is also mandatory in Greece.

barthanssens commented 3 years ago

That vocabulary only includes "the various administrative territorial units of the EU Member States". Marriages may involve persons with citizenship of countries outside of the EU.

Wondering if there is a common agreed upon list of countries en territories for EU Member States (in other words, do all the EU Member States recognize the same territories as being independent countries ?)

cbahim commented 3 years ago

@barthanssens in the Jurisdiction entity we refer to the country table. In conclusion to this thread, the citizenship is optional, so it should not pose a problem.