SEMICeu / SDG-sandbox

The SDG Sandbox creates a space for the review of data models produced by WP4 - Data semantics, formats and quality - in the context of the preparatory work for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.
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Marriage certificate (DE) #88

Closed tohahn-kosit closed 3 years ago

tohahn-kosit commented 3 years ago

This table ascertains the availability of data in the Personenstandsregister (person condition register) as well as the Melderegister (registration register) to fill the fields in the current model of the marriage certificate. The fields of the person condition register can be found in Verordnung zur Ausführung des Personenstandsgesetzes - Anlage 1, the fields of the registration register are described in DSMeld.

Note that this table does not judge wether the model of the marriage certificate could also be used as evidence in processes in public administration, as the different processes in different branches of the administration have different requirements. Some may only need the information that a marriage is registered, other may need number of children etc.

For the fields in the person condition register and the Melderegister I used their codes, to ease searching. In comments I used the german name.

I omitted the element "mariageCertificate", as it is the root element for every other element. An "x" means not available, "o" means no information.

Marriage certificate element Person condition register Comment Registration register Comment
identifier.identifierIdentifier 0010-0013 Entries in person condition registers are identified by the combination of these four numbers o I don't know about the ID in registration registers.
identifier.identifierType x There is no "type" for this identifier. o I don't know about the ID in registration registers.
identifier.issuingAuthorityIdentifier 0010 This is the Standesamtsnummer (number), instead also the Standesamtsname (name) can be used. o I don't know about the ID of registration registers.
issuingDate 0051 As a register entry is not "issued" it does not have an issuing date. This is the date of first registration. o I don't know about the issuing date of entries in registration registers.
certifies.marriageDate 2040/3040 1402
certifies.placeOfMarriage.adress.adminUnitL1 2057/3057 Only filled if not in Germany. 1409 Only filled if not in Germany.
certifies.placeOfMarriage.adress.postName 2050/3050 1402
certifies.spouseOne.identifier.identifierIdentifier x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseOne.identifier.identifierType x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseOne.identifier.issuingAuthorityIdentifier x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseOne.givenName 2105/3105 - 2115/3115 Before marriage/LP - in marriage/LP 0301
certifies.spouseOne.familyNameAfterMarriage 2111/3111 marriage/LP 0101
certifies.spouseOne.familyNameBeforeMarriage 2101/3101 marriage/LP x
certifies.spouseOne.maritalStatusBeforeMarriage x x
certifies.spouseOne.capacityToMarry x x
certifies.spouseOne.dateOfBirth 2140/3140 marriage/LP 0601 2180/3180 only a hint, not certified data! also, this is citizenship, not state 1001 citizenship, not state.
certifies.spouseTwo.identifier.identifierIdentifier x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseTwo.identifier.identifierType x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseTwo.identifier.issuingAuthorityIdentifier x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany. x Up to now, there is no person identifier in Germany.
certifies.spouseTwo.givenName 2205/3205 - 2215/3215 Before marriage/LP - in marriage/LP 1503/1509 marriage/LP
certifies.spouseTwo.familyNameAfterMarriage 2211/3211 marriage/LP 1501/1517 marriage/LP
certifies.spouseTwo.familyNameBeforeMarriage 2201/3201 marriage/LP x
certifies.spouseTwo.maritalStatusBeforeMarriage x x
certifies.spouseTwo.capacityToMarry x x
certifies.spouseTwo.dateOfBirth 2240/3240 marriage/LP 1505/1521 marriage/LP 2280/3280 only a hint, not certified data! also, this is citizenship, not state x
issuingAuthorityMarriageCertificate.identifierPublicOrganisation.identifierIdentifier 0010 This is the Standesamtsnummer (number), instead also the Standesamtsname (name) can be used. o I don't know about the ID of registration registers.
issuingAuthorityMarriageCertificate.identifierPublicOrganisation.identifierType x There is no "type" for this identifier. o I don't know about the ID in registration registers.
issuingAuthorityMarriageCertificate.identifierPublicOrganisation.issuingAuthorityIdentifier 0010 This is the Standesamtsnummer (number), instead also the Standesamtsname (name) can be used. o I don't know about the ID of registration registers.
issuingAuthorityMarriageCertificate.prefLabel 0001 If this is the preferred moniker of the organisation, the Standesamtsname can be used. o I don't know about the ID of registration registers.
issuingPlace.adress.adminUnitL1 x Always Germany. x Always Germany.
issuingPlace.adress.postName 0050 x
tohahn-kosit commented 3 years ago


cbahim commented 3 years ago

@tohahn-kosit thank you for providing us this analysis. We looked at the tables provided and more specifically to attributes which were not available (x) nor having information (o) in either one of the two columns. In conclusion, all the attributes you cannot provide are already optional, so we don't see any problem. The only issue might be the missing identifier for Person.