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Space Engineers Community Modding API
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SESE as a Service don't really start #140

Open remygrandin opened 9 years ago

remygrandin commented 9 years ago


I was creating an SESE instance as a service but it don't seam to really start.

I registred it with this command:

sc create SESM_1_SESM_Beautiful_Server start= auto binPath= "C:\SpaceEngineer\DedicatedServer64\SEServerExtender.exe nogui noconsole wcfport=26016 instance=SESM_1_SESM_Beautiful_Server gamepath=C:\SpaceEngineer\ "

the service register well and start without any problem but it don't create any logs, exept an entry in the event viewer "Service started successfully."

Any thought on that ?

chessmaster42 commented 9 years ago

That means that it's not getting the args. With service args you have to feed them in a particular way for this to work. You need to put the parameters into the "Start Parameters" box in the service properties window and then click Start. For the time being you can't just put the args into the binpath of the service. This will probably be improved in the future for now please try this and let us know what it did.

If it says the service started successful then it must have created some log content. Check in your install folder where SEServerExtender.exe is and go into the Logs folder. There should be some API logs there.

Also, don't use the gamepath arg unless SESE won't run otherwise. It's pretty good at autodetecting and sometimes forcing this arg can make things worse.

Something else to consider is that SEServerExtender has a built in service installer. So all you have to do is run the .NET util, "installutil" on the exe and it will setup the service for you. You will still need to pass in the arguments via the start parameters box but it simplifies the service creation process.