SEModCommunity / SE-Community-Mod-API

Space Engineers Community Modding API
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
60 stars 47 forks source link - Missing Method #156

Closed Fingersniffer closed 9 years ago

Fingersniffer commented 9 years ago

Finished loading LogManager Finished loading SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper All main types passed reflection unit tests! All entity types passed reflection unit tests! 2014-09-13 03:18:03.988 - Failed to find method 'AC280CA879823319A66F3C71D647829 7' in type '5BCAC68007431E61367F5B2CF24E2D6F.12BACAB3471C8707CE7420AE0465548C' ShipControllerEntity reflection validation failed! Finished creating server! Finished loading ServerAssemblyWrapper Finished loading PluginManager Finished loading FactionsManager Finished loading EntityEventManager Finished loading ChatManager

Tyrsis commented 9 years ago

To fix this:

PilotEntity got moved from MyObjectBuilder_ShipController to MyOjbectBuilder_Cockpit.

In CockpitEntity.cs add: public static string CockpitGetPilotEntityMethod = "7B47C9D59A1CEE8DA64A258449704EF8"; public static string CockpitSetPilotEntityMethod = "1BB7956FA537A66315E07C562677018A";

Then move the PilotEntity from ShipController to Cockpit.

This will not only fix the error, but make PilotEntity usable again. (which is required for almost all my plugins)

generalwrex commented 9 years ago

Seems i did a cheater way to do this in my fork

line 56

I believe it needs to be moved into the CockpitEntity.cs as well too

i added you on steam Moustachauve, i'm very involved in sese's progress, since without SESe nothing on our server would function =P

If you need my fork for something let me know, otherwise im going to revert it back to the main repo

Moustachauve commented 9 years ago

It should be fixed now, I moved it in the CockpitEntity as suggested. Can you test if your plugin works with the please?

Tyrsis commented 9 years ago

Change property categories as well, and that looks ok (even though they don't do much): [Category("Ship Controller")]



Moustachauve commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your help!