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Implementing Sending SMS Messages #110

Open Valinwolf opened 3 years ago

Valinwolf commented 3 years ago

So I just got SEPIA setup and rolling and so far, it's interesting. I'm trying to see if it would be possible to implement SMS messaging. Based on the teach example and how sending SMS messages works, I could use:

            "extras": {
                "sms_body":"Lawyer's anonymous meeting Saturday"

However that is a static number and message. Now I know there are other options that might make it dynamic, but what about using contact names instead of phone numbers?

So I guess my question is really two related questions:

  1. Is it possible to get the phone number from a contact name?
  2. Is it possible to use platform specific options with extensions like the Corona data extension?
fquirin commented 3 years ago

Hi @Valinwolf ,

this is an interesting topic and the Android Intent way is certainly not the worst idea ^^. The issue with getting contacts from the phone and then use the date is that this requires a certain ping-pong between SEPIA client and server (ask client to get contact match -> evaluate match on server and get number - send complete intent to client). This is very typical for services that are platform dependent and the only alternative would be to put this logic into the client completely (which may or may not make sense). For the next version I'm trying to make it easier to build custom views (frames) for the client that work a little bit like "skills" (Amazon) or "actions" (Google). What this means is you could trigger the SMS service via "send new SMS" then the client could open the (custom) "SMS view" and put SEPIA in kind of a narrow domain mode were its focused on fulfilling this specific task using additional help from the custom client view. This way you could put certain functions of the Android contacts interface in the custom SMS view, deploy it in yourself and experiment with it. This would require some Javascript programming though and I'm not 100% sure if the current intent plugin could handle all necessary calls (it might).

What I would like to do in the not-so-distant future is to build a contacts database on the SEPIA server. With that it would be much easier and I like the idea to have a privately managed contacts list. Thinking about it ... a custom service could actually use its database space to store a few names for each user :thinking: