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Is Sepia ready for openHAB 3? #113

Closed Smarthome-Creator closed 3 years ago

Smarthome-Creator commented 3 years ago

Hello, i upgraded my openHAB to the last version 3. Since openHAB 3 only connections are allowed with api token to use it with external services.

I think S.E.P.I.A is ready for it but how are the settings in control hub?

To be exact the settings for "smarthome_hub_auth_type" and "smarthome_hub_auth_data"? I think "smarthome_hub_auth_data" is for the api key? But what is the setting for "auth_type"?

Thanks and regards

fquirin commented 3 years ago

Hi @Smarthome-Creator ,

I think I have to look into the docs to see how the API key is used in OpenHAB 3. It may require some smaller changes in the SEPIA code (that I could probably sneak-in before the next update ^^).

auth_type is currently available only for BASIC AUTH ("plain") which is probably not what Open HAB 3 uses :-/

Smarthome-Creator commented 3 years ago

At the moment OH3 uses basic_auth and Api key authentication. What are the valuse in Core Settings for basic_auth?

OH basic auth settings

smarthome_hub_user ? smarthome_hub_passwd ?

fquirin commented 3 years ago

Here is a bit of info about it Smart-Home-Controls - adding-new-interfaces. It should be:

smarthome_hub_auth_type = Basic
smarthome_hub_auth_data = [Base64 encoding of 'username:password']

Example for data: encoding of the string username:password should result in: dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= (if you use literally "username" as name and "password" as password. In Javascript (or your browser console) you can try: btoa("username:password").

Smarthome-Creator commented 3 years ago

Thanks, it works again.