SEPIA-Framework / sepia-docs

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Does the SEPIA Client work on Linux Platforms apart from a Raspberry Pi? #129

Open gabrielcolon32 opened 2 years ago

gabrielcolon32 commented 2 years ago


Does the SEPIA client work on other platforms based on Linux like Ubuntu?


fquirin commented 2 years ago


in general the client works on every machine that can run a modern browser (e.g. anything Chromium based, Firefox, Safari). The DIY client uses Openbox, Xvfb and Node.js in addition which should be available on most Linux systems I think.

The Raspberry installation scripts are based on Debian package manager, so there is a high chance that Debian 10 and Ubuntu will work out-of-the-box, but there might be some smaller changes required if certain packages have different names or versions on the specific Linux version. I think I ran an early version on Debian 10 x86 64bit once :thinking:

If you give it a try please let me know what happened :grin: