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How to add new dependency inside SEPIA server #214

Open rajamohamed opened 1 year ago

rajamohamed commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for this SEPIA Framework. I am trying to use it to have a chat robot that will answer to my questions :) Now, I am trying to add a new dependency inside the sepi-assist-server or the sepia-core-tool So I have modified the pom.xml and I have build the jar.


Then I have replaced the old jar of sepia-assist-API-2.7.0.jar and sepia-core-tools-2.3.0.jar. Then I boot SEPIA server with the run-sepia.bat and all works fine.

But when I try to upload my new service by adding this annotation

import io.camunda.zeebe.spring.client.EnableZeebeClient;

It throws this error 2022-11-16 17:41:29 [main] INFO HttpTools - RESULT: {"result":"fail","error":"ERROR: Class 'CRAApprouval' - Compile errors: \nstring:\/\/\/net\/b07z\/sepia\/sdk\/services\/uid1003\/ - Line 3: package io.camunda.zeebe.spring.client does not exist \nstring:\/\/\/net\/b07z\/sepia\/sdk\/services\/uid1003\/ - Line 30: cannot find symbol\n symbol: class EnableZeebeClient \n"}

Can you please help me how to manage dependencies ?

Thank you in advance.

fquirin commented 1 year ago

Welcome @rajamohamed šŸ™‚ ,

the steps you've described seem to be correct. You did build both core-tools and assist-server Jars right? Did you use the SDK in a Java IDE (like Eclipse) to build your new service? If there is a dependency issue it should show up before the upload šŸ¤” .

There is another method to add Jars I've described a few weeks ago in another issue: Maybe this can make things a bit easier.