SEPIA-Framework / sepia-docs

Documentation and Wiki for SEPIA. Please post your questions and bug-reports here in the issues section! Thank you :-)
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User experience report #243

Open Erudition opened 6 months ago

Erudition commented 6 months ago

I just finally got SEPIA running via a docker container for testing. As there are no YouTube videos or tutorials, I couldn't risk spending all that time doing the manual setup with all its steps just to test it out, I wanted to see how it performs before digging further. I ran into so many weird quirks and poor UX on the way, but I eventually got it so I can talk to the android app with my voice.

Then I realized that almost everything I ask it, just opens a web browser, gets it wrong, or does nothing.

Overall I'm struggling to see how this will make my life easier, as the software is full of a LOT of configuration, settings, and cluttered interfaces, but it just doesn't seem to be "intelligent" like the website says.

barneysspeedshop commented 3 months ago

There are closed source, zeroconf solutions for speech processing and synthesis available that require very little user knowledge to set up. This is not that. This product is open source, free, and highly configurable. You may have to exert a considerable effort to make it work the way that you want it to. The difference between this and a "turn key" solution is that you can fully customize almost everything about it. You have to weigh the benefits from the drawbacks and determine which solution would be best for you, but your comments about being "cluttered" and "doesn't seem to be intelligent" are unhelpful and might dissuade knowledgeable users from providing assistance to this FREE product that does not harvest your personal and private information, and does not sell that information to anyone.

Erudition commented 2 months ago

Sorry you feel that way. Naturally, I'm here precisely because a libre, free, privacy-preserving solution is exactly what I want. I'm also a fan of the high configurability. That said, you seem to paint these values as in opposition to sensible defaults and a good out-of-box experience. That could not be further from the truth. I've tried half a dozen projects with the same values and similar goals, and yet somehow they provide a decent OOB experience.

Home Assistant, for example, is a Free/Libre/Open project with a voice assistant that is also fully private, extremely modular and customizable. It doesn't quite meet the experience of many of the proprietary projects you mention, but nothing about these values prevents that, and the default experience provides much more promising results than those I listed from SEPIA. Not closed source, not zeroconf, and yes, requires considerable effort to make it work the way I want to. Yet, the defaults at least make sense for what some users want, out of the box. "Customizing" functionality does not imply building functionality from scratch, in the same way that a "customizable home" does not secretly mean that you actually get a kit of building materials and no place to live until you put something together.

My opinions on the intelligence and interface are just that, opinions, which are not meant to be "helpful" except for devs looking to hear about the current experience from the perspective of prospective users - which is exactly what the title of this issue says... I see no reason why they "might dissuade knowledgeable users from providing assistance" (you mean devs, volunteering dev work? why would this stop them?), but it might encourage not knowledgeable prospective users from wasting their time if their expectations are similar and they had no idea this would be the experience. Or better yet, they'd still go into it, but with more awareness and armed with knowledge of what to expect.

barneysspeedshop commented 2 months ago

Mainly, what I feel is unhelpful is being critical of how it IS. What I believe would be helpful is a list of what you would like to see specifically.

With bug reports, it's typical to use the following format: Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the app
  2. Choose option (X)
  3. Enter value
  4. Save Observed behavior: It does not save the value that I entered Expected behavior: It saves the value that I entered

For feature/functionality requests, they often are best served under the following format: As a user, I would like to see the number of times I have asked S.E.P.I.A. for a place to buy hummus

fquirin commented 2 months ago

Hi guys,

I'm sorry that I wasn't really involved in the discussion until now, but I had to take a little (ongoing) break from the project for a while, since it was consuming a huge amount of time and I wanted to reevaluate the influence of the new LLM hype on the future of the project as well.

Some quick comments:

I'm using SEPIA every day for timers, reminders, news, smart home control, weather, lists and web searches. These services should work pretty well out of the box. Well, smart home requires you to set up your devices in addition and depends a bit on the choice of your HUB.

The NLU is a very efficient and customizable, rule based engine, that does not require any fat LLM or third party service. But since SEPIA has a larger number of services, this means there can be some cross-talk in identifying commands and some quirks if inputs don't match any parser. In this case you can overwrite the command with the Teach-UI. Extending these features was one of the priorities before I decided to take a little break. Systems like Home Assistant work in a similar way but usually support far fewer services, which makes them less versatile, but possibly better in very specific cases like smart home control. Besides that there are multiple people working full time on HA for actual money ^^ and some things only work if you pay for their cloud ;).

In summary I should say I'm well aware of certain weaknesses in SEPIA and I appreciate everyone who takes their time to play with the framework and writes down their feedback! πŸ‘ I usually collect this feedback and try to fix the most annoying bugs first while at the same time trying to improve services and add new features. It takes a lot of time, but it will improve eventually. I'm determined to work on this project for many years to come πŸ˜‰

fquirin commented 2 months ago

One more thing:

In theory, it would be rather easy to overcome 90% of the shortcomings of SEPIA in the area of knowledge based questions by simply adding support for the Open-AI API. Many companies try to take this shortcut lately ^^.

Since user-choice is one of the key elements of SEPIA, I'm not completely against it, but I'm not a fan either, so I'll probably not do it myself, but I would support community developments in this area ;)