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Teaching multiple personal command doesn't work as expected #87

Open gafk opened 3 years ago

gafk commented 3 years ago

I have several routines in openhab that are triggered by switching a Switch item on. I want to have a custom Sepia command for each routine, but if I have more then one item tagged, Sepia will always ask whicht item to trigger instead of just triggering it... Let me try to explain via example:

these are my openhab items:

Switch Routine_Gute_Nacht "Gute Nacht" ["sepia-type=other", "sepia-room=unassigned", "sepia-name=Gute Nacht"] Switch Routine_Wochenende "Wochenende" ["sepia-type=other", "sepia-room=unassigned", "sepia-name=Wochenende"]

And this is what I teached in Sepia Teach UI:

When I say: Ich gehe ins Bett <other>;;<Gute Nacht> <unassigned> <on> Custom answer: Gute Nacht When I say: Es ist Wochenende <other>;;<Wochenende> <unassigned> <on> Custom answer: Endlich Wochenende

Instead of executing the command, Sepia will ask "Meintest du Wochenende?"

I played around a little and found that if I assign each item to a different room or give them a different type it works as expected. But as soon as there is more than on item of the same type in the same room it breaks.

fquirin commented 3 years ago


I think the problem might be the way you defined the routine name. Try the following: <other>;;Gute Nacht (without < and >, this only applies to so called "generalized" values) Alternatively you can use the JSON version (type=processed):

    "value_local": "Gute Nacht Routine",
    "device_tag": "Gute Nacht",
    "value": "other"
gafk commented 3 years ago

Thank you, leaving out the "<>" fixed that!

On a similar matter: If I have defined a device in openhab e.g. like

Switch 3D_Drucker_AnAus "3D Drucker" ["sepia-type=device", "sepia-room=garage", "sepia-name=3D Drucker"]

I always have to say (in German...) "Schalte Gerät 3D Drucker in der Garage aus". Just saying "Schalte 3D Drucker in der Garage aus" does not work, although I think this is the more natural way of saying that...

Right now I have to create custom commands for every device if I want it to work without "Gerät"...

fquirin commented 3 years ago

I always have to say (in German...) "Schalte Gerät 3D Drucker in der Garage aus". Just saying "Schalte 3D Drucker in der Garage aus" does not work, although I think this is the more natural way of saying that...

@gafk This unfortunately is a drawback of the "device" class. Basically the reason is that a device name can be anything and without a direct indication that you are referring to a device the probability for cross-talk with other services is very high. Maybe I could add an option that will enable the user to add his own device type via some UI in the Control HUB :thinking:

gafk commented 3 years ago

Looking forward to see if you come up with something clever ;-)