Please UPDATE THE TITLE of this "Issue" in the title bar above with your name.
If you haven't done so, please go back to Module 4 and make sure to take
the post-training survey. Participating in surveys is required for receiving
the "GALUP Certificate" by the University of Florida.
Well done, Nobuhle. You clearly grasped the material outlined in Module 4 and successfully applied it to these exercises. Thank you for your participation! Please make sure to complete the post-training survey here.
re-submitted exercise 2
2.Please "drag & drop" exercise 2 excel file below. Mod Exercise 2.xlsx
Please UPDATE THE TITLE of this "Issue" in the title bar above with your name.
If you haven't done so, please go back to Module 4 and make sure to take the post-training survey. Participating in surveys is required for receiving the "GALUP Certificate" by the University of Florida.