SET-Scheduling-Project / SET-ISCA2023

The framework for the paper "Inter-layer Scheduling Space Definition and Exploration for Tiled Accelerators" in ISCA 2023.
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Where IR_file is the file name of the output IR json #2

Open bblwg2020 opened 3 months ago

bblwg2020 commented 3 months ago

I can't find the IR_file, please tell me, ths!

RyanWei0224 commented 2 months ago

The IR_file is generated when the name of the IR file is supplied.

The name is supplied as the first command-line argument of the program (e.g. "./build/stschedule IR_file.json", as documented in the readme file).

You can refer to "main.cpp line 107" for more details, or directly modify the source code to generate the IR at the place you want.

We apologize for the insufficient documentation. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us under this issue, or open any other issues.

bblwg2020 commented 2 months ago

The IR_file is generated when the name of the IR file is supplied.

The name is supplied as the first command-line argument of the program (e.g. "./build/stschedule IR_file.json", as documented in the readme file).

You can refer to "main.cpp line 107" for more details, or directly modify the source code to generate the IR at the place you want.

We apologize for the insufficient documentation. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us under this issue, or open any other issues.

Ths very much, I got it!