SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Allow selection of download file internal structure #1071

Closed rfrenchseti closed 3 years ago

rfrenchseti commented 4 years ago

We could permit the user to choose a flat file format or hierarchical mirroring the original PDS directory hierarchy. The GEO Node does this already.

rfrenchseti commented 3 years ago

Decided to do BYBTW 3/18/21. Combine with #1070.

rfrenchseti commented 3 years ago

This is now more important because we are running across more examples where duplicate (but different) filenames are available for download. For example:

OPUS_ID go-ssi-c0383655111 should return GO_0019/REDO/E6/IO/C0383655111R.IMG as the primary product but also GO_0018/E6/IO/C0383655111R.IMG. Trouble is, they both have the same name.