SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
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Update import to handle new COCIRS product types etc #1153

Closed rfrenchseti closed 3 years ago

rfrenchseti commented 3 years ago

Changes to the data that need to be supported (from Mark):

As we discussed, there are a couple of OPUS re-imports required. 1. Matt and I fixed the exponent error in STIS wavelengths, so a re-import of HSTO* is needed. 2. There was an error in the opus_products rule for COCIRS that overlooked some files in the BROWSE subdirectories. 3. As I mentioned to you, there were a few duplicated records in the GO_0xxx indices. Also, with my latest pdsfile checkin, it now prioritizes new versions of GO images relative to old ones, labeling the latter "Superseded Processing". 4. Not urgent but I noticed that the primary_filespec for NH files is raw in pdsfile, whereas your "whoever loads last wins" rule means that the calibrated are the primary filespecs inside OPUS. This has not mattered yet but it will eventually. I think a simple solution would be to re-import NH but use the 2001 indices first and the 1001 indices second.