SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Download error shows up as JSON #1272

Open rfrenchseti opened 1 year ago

rfrenchseti commented 1 year ago

When you try to "Download zipped data archive" (hamburger menu) of an observation with a large number of data products, the result is a screen that says:

{"error": "Sorry, this download would require 8,411,925,722 bytes but the maximum allowed is 3,221,225,472 bytes. Please either reduce the number of observations you are trying to download, reduce the number of data products for each observation, or download a URL archive instead and then retrieve the data products using \"wget\"."}

Also we might consider increasing the allowable download size since individual observations have so many data products now.

(Try for example a Cassini ISS observation)