SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Update all packages and add scripts for multiple versions of Python #1276

Closed rfrenchseti closed 1 year ago

rfrenchseti commented 1 year ago

Description of changes:

Fixed problem with running code coverage if the user didn't have PYTHONPATH set to include the pds-tools repo (which shouldn't be necessary).

Fixed to be more intelligent about whether memcached is available and running. Falls back to the Django local cache system if not. 100% code coverage for all cases.

Added scripts for Linux that allow the creation of Python virtual environments for a variety of Python versions and then run a full import and test/code coverage with those virtual environments to make sure OPUS is compatible with all relevant versions of Python. OPUS now works properly with Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.

The requirements.txt file has been updated. The only thing that really needs to be code reviewed is to create a new virtual environment and test on Mac and Windows.

Known problems: