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results_counts tests incorrect after VIMS wavelength fix #1287

Closed rfrenchseti closed 1 year ago

rfrenchseti commented 1 year ago

One results_counts test has different results now that the COVIMS occultation wavelengths have been fixed. It wasn't detectable until a full database import was performed. The result count needs to be updated.,Saturn+Rings,SATURN&rightasc1=0&rightasc2=129&declination1=-30&declination2=30&wavelength1=0.5&wavelength2=1.0&RINGGEOringradius1=60000&RINGGEOringradius2=70000&RINGGEOsolarringelevation1=-20&RINGGEOsolarringelevation2=20
result: expected >= 5424 :: got 5419 ==> FAIL!