SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Sentinel value 9.99e99 present in COUVIS ring geo #1360

Closed rfrenchseti closed 1 month ago

rfrenchseti commented 2 months ago

The max value for "Projected Radial Resolution" and "Observed Resolution" is 9.99e99, which seems like a sentinel (illegal value marker). This value should be caught and the database field set to NULL instead.

rfrenchseti commented 1 month ago

This is not a sentinel value, but clipping performed by the metadata generator:

        if len(string) > column_width:
            string = overflow_format % number

            if len(string) > column_width:
                number = min(max(-9.99e99, number), 9.99e99)
                string99 = overflow_format % number

                if len(string99) > column_width:
                    error_message = "column overflow: " + string
                    warnings.warn("column overflow: " + string +
                                  " clipped to " + string99)
                    string = string99

                string = string[:column_width]

This is not an OPUS issue.