SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
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Allow dragging of table view headers to reorder fields #417

Open rfrenchseti opened 6 years ago

rfrenchseti commented 6 years ago

From Mark Showalter:

You are looking at a table view. Each column has a header. The header is actually a pop-up menu. When you click on the header, you can select any other quantity that we can tabulate. When you release, the content of that column is updated based on the new selection.

In addition there's a widget at right that let's you add another column (or maybe another N columns all at once). They appear, and then you can select each header.

We would also need options to close columns and to sort by columns. I bet they could be integrated into the table headers as additional widgets.

We also need to be able to reorder columns. Maybe that could be done by dragging columns right a left, Otherwise, there could at least be a way to select one or more columns and click a button to move them right or left.

As a user, I find it a bit tedious to go to a separate page or an overlay when I want to choose columns. This UI would make the table view much more interactive and responsive.

dstopp commented 4 years ago

Notes: For removing a column, have an (x) or something in the header that would remove that column. Probably would look nice if the hover-over of the header cell caused the (x) to fade into existence rather than it being there all the time. And also to have a "+" to the right of the right-most column to allow you to add new columns.

rfrenchseti commented 4 years ago

This was closed by mistake.

rfrenchseti commented 4 years ago

Adding and removing fields has been implemented. Leaving open for dragging to reorder table headers.