SETI / rms-opus

PDS OPUS - Outer Planets Data Search Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Implement browser Back and Forward button using HTML5 history #775

Open rfrenchseti opened 5 years ago

rfrenchseti commented 5 years ago

Some people think the "back" button will go back to the "previous screen" in OPUS, but of course it doesn't. We should capture the "back" button and at the very least show a message telling people the back button doesn't do what they think it does.

rfrenchseti commented 3 years ago

HTML5 has a serial history of hashes so you can make back and forward actually undo and redo previous OPUS states.

rfrenchseti commented 3 years ago

It turns out this is surprisingly hard to do and the cost of trying to do it properly outweighs any potential benefits, we will defer this indefinitely.