SFCrime / SFC-viewer

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Potential visualization techniques #6

Open semerj opened 9 years ago

semerj commented 9 years ago

I like this one from Tulia a lot for baseline comparison. Eliminates the need for separate time/day-of-week graphs. Not sure how useful it is for the individual event-instances though.

A typical weekend in a given polygon isn't going to have a crime occur at each hour or day, so most of the tiles in the Trulia viz will be blank.

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago

This is super cool, I think a great technique. I like this idea of keeping this issue with a running tally of our different techniques.

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago


semerj commented 9 years ago

composite chart with dc.js: http://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/examples/composite.html

awesome bubble charts with scroll animation: http://muyueh.com/30/co2/show.html and http://muyueh.com/greenhoney/

semerj commented 9 years ago

moar maps: http://youarehere.cc/#/maps/by-topic

semerj commented 9 years ago

dc.js grouped bar chart discussion: https://github.com/dc-js/dc.js/issues/558

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago

@semerj that dc.js discussion is totally fucked. There's no fix, it's just broken. Not going there.

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago


semerj commented 9 years ago

d3 + leaflet map with timeslider:

semerj commented 9 years ago

thanks: https://github.com/SFCrime/SFC-viewer/commit/f3a29bc388ad023d74d5bbfa35a2d192a9bffaf0

i've sketched out some scenes/visualizations for the story.

screen 1: pre-drawn polygon on map, no markers. give context.

(scroll down)

screen 2: map w/ polygon, markers from first event-instance. one bar graph showing total # of crimes over time. user filters markers by clicking on bar for respective event-instance.

(scroll down)

screen 3: map w/ polygon, markers colored by event instance. time-slider line chart showing total # of crimes by hour (say, 0 - 72). each event-instance is a different color corresponding to marker colors. user can filter markers using time-slider. consider also adding separate day/night filter for markers.

(scroll down)

screen 4: map w/ polygon, marker color corresponding to type of crime (violent + non-violent, something simple). small multiple bar graphs. each bar graphs showing # of crimes by crime type (violent/non-violent) over time. user filters markers by clicking on bar.

(scroll down)

screen 5: summary page to wrap things up.

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago

Bay to Breakers

1.138381201 * avg.

psql sfpd info247 -c "SELECT count(*) FROM crime where date='2014-5-18';"

b2b = 436

psql sfpd info247 -t -A -F"," -c "SELECT count(*) as c from crime where extract(year from date) = '2014' and dayofweek='Sunday' GROUP BY date;" | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'

avg sunday 2014 = 383.25

psql sfpd info247 -t -A -F"," -c "SELECT count(*) as c from crime where extract(year from date) = '2014' GROUP BY date;"  | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'

avg for 2014 = 411.465753425

SELECT category, count(*) FROM crime where date='2014-5-18' group by category;
        category        | count
 DRUNKENNESS            |     3
 SECONDARY CODES        |     3
 MISSING PERSON         |    17
 VANDALISM              |    23
 NON-CRIMINAL           |    63
 SUSPICIOUS OCC         |    15
 EMBEZZLEMENT           |     1
 BURGLARY               |    20
 LARCENY/THEFT          |    87
 OTHER OFFENSES         |    70
 STOLEN PROPERTY        |     4
 TRESPASS               |     7
 ARSON                  |     1
 VEHICLE THEFT          |    17
 LIQUOR LAWS            |     4
 ASSAULT                |    45
 WARRANTS               |    13
 FRAUD                  |     4
 ROBBERY                |     7
 KIDNAPPING             |     2
 DRUG/NARCOTIC          |    22
 RUNAWAY                |     2
 WEAPON LAWS            |     1

World Series SF Win Game 7

1.196125908 * avg.

psql sfpd info247 -c "SELECT count(*) FROM crime where date='2014-10-29';"

World Series SF Win Game 7 = 494

psql sfpd info247 -t -A -F"," -c "SELECT count(*) as c from crime where extract(year from date) = '2014' and dayofweek='Wednesday' GROUP BY date;" | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'

avg sunday 2014 = 413.471698113

psql sfpd info247 -t -A -F"," -c "SELECT count(*) as c from crime where extract(year from date) = '2014' GROUP BY date;"  | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'

avg for 2014 = 411.465753425

SELECT category, count(*) FROM crime where date='2014-10-29' group by category;

          category           | count
 DRUNKENNESS                 |     3
 SECONDARY CODES             |     6
 MISSING PERSON              |    12
 VANDALISM                   |    35
 SUSPICIOUS OCC              |    17
 NON-CRIMINAL                |    67
 EMBEZZLEMENT                |     1
 BURGLARY                    |    17
 LARCENY/THEFT               |   122
 OTHER OFFENSES              |    70
 STOLEN PROPERTY             |     4
 BRIBERY                     |     1
 VEHICLE THEFT               |    34
 LIQUOR LAWS                 |     1
 LOITERING                   |     1
 SUICIDE                     |     1
 ASSAULT                     |    53
 FRAUD                       |     4
 WARRANTS                    |    11
 ROBBERY                     |    16
 DRUG/NARCOTIC               |     5
 WEAPON LAWS                 |     8
 DISORDERLY CONDUCT          |     1
bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago


semerj commented 9 years ago

leaflet + ping animation: http://www.antievictionmappingproject.net/ellis.html



semerj commented 9 years ago

@anabranch: Using this as a model, I just plotted some points on a leaflet map using D3 (https://github.com/semerj/leaflet-points-layer).

Nice timeline functionality and it seems extensible to bar charts and other d3 visualizations.

bllchmbrs commented 9 years ago

For reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_World_Series

Year averages:

SELECT category, count(*)::Float/365 FROM crime where extract(year from date) = 2014 group by category;