SFI-Lero / TREES-InnerSource_Project_Fitness

A tool for measuring InnerSource project fitness. Shows Fitness score, Strengths & Weaknesses on 6 dimensions according to the Technology-Process-People model. Includes options for downloading the scores and the plots.
MIT License
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Fitness score storage #7

Open WillemJiang opened 3 years ago

WillemJiang commented 3 years ago

It could be helpful if we can store the assessment data through the R app. We can discuss the detail implementation through this issue.

tapjdey commented 3 years ago

@WillemJiang it is possible to download the scores using the tool. What type of storage are you referring to?

WillemJiang commented 3 years ago

I think we can call a Restful service to submit the score to a server.

tapjdey commented 3 years ago

I can't add an option for storing data to a server without knowing the server specifics. I added the option of adding project names to be able to distinguish between the results of different projects. If you tell me what type of server you're trying to store the data to (e.g. database/cloud storage) I can look into it.