SFML / SFML-Website

Repository for the SFML website.
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Use Static Site Generation #171

Open eXpl0it3r opened 9 months ago

eXpl0it3r commented 9 months ago

The SFML tutorials (and other parts of the website) have been kept unchanged for a long time now. I see three factors that affected the contributions:

Using some form of Static Site Generation (SSG) which creates HTML from Markdown files, would lower the barrier to writing more content and also allow for prompting editing more directly, among a large selection of "modern" web features. However there are a few points that I see as important and wouldn't want to sacrifice for the sake of simplicity or "being modern".


  1. Generate a static site from Markdown files
    • Markdown is the defacto standard for writing plain text content these days
    • Needs to support including/storing of images
    • Needs to support code rendering with syntax highlighting
  2. SFML 2 tutorials need to support English and French
    • There shouldn't be many changes and we already have them in both languages, would be a shame to waste that
  3. SFML 3 tutorials will be English-only
    • We don't have the French language expertise in the (active) SFML Team and it slows down every contribution
  4. "Corporate" Identity is important, there's room to change certain aspects, but I don't want a complete redesign
    • Just because the web/society/Silicon Valley/FAANG has decided on how "modern" should look like doesn't mean we have to give up our established identity. The web wasn't created to have every single website look equal.
  5. The static site should be self-hostable, if possibile not exclusively hostable via Node.js
    • Static Site hosts come and go, we want to build sites that last, to not be surprised by sudden pricing changes, rely on thrid-party availabilities, or send traffic to services we have no control over
    • See also my post on "Build With Boring Technologies"
  6. The site should remain navigable without JavaScript
    • JavaScript can be used to create amazing things, yet our static website doesn't do anything complex and as such, shouldn't require a JavaScript-based navigation


  1. Preview PRs on something like GitHub Pages / Cloudflare Pages / Vercel / etc.
  2. Supporting content tabs, so we could potentially display C++ and C# code in the tutorials side by side
eXpl0it3r commented 2 weeks ago

I've become a fan of MkDocs, especially Material for MkDocs. I'm trying a few things on a separate branch feature/mkdocs-material and decided to write down some of my thoughts here. Maybe someone else will have an input as well.


After trying various packages and generating options, there doesn't seem to be a way to easily include Doxygen documentation, as such I'd currently recommend extracting the header & footer and use that similar to how it's done currently.


Currently we have semi-hierarchical setup Tutorials and Documentations being listed under the Learn page, but their URLs are directly tutorial/ and documentation/. To achieve this, we cannot generate the navigation based on the file layout and thus need some extension like mkdocs-literate-nav.

│ ├─3.0
│ ├─2.6
│ └─...
│ ├─3.0🔗
│ ├─2.6.1🔗
│ └─...
├─Contribution Guidelines
├─Code Style
└─Git Workflow


Material for MkDocs of course implies the usage of Material Design. This goes against the branding requirement. My hopes is that we can use some custom styling to make it look a bit closer to the current "corporate identity". First however, I want to make sure we can fully cover all the features we want.

Material for MkDocs automatically supports light and dark mode, as well as respective switchers.

