SFTtech / openage-data

Free (as in freedom) media files for openage.
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[WIP] Asset placeholders #10

Closed detrumi closed 2 years ago

detrumi commented 7 years ago

Continuation of #9

As github doesn't handle lots of files in a commit well, you can browse the files here

CapsAdmin commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this? And if not (and you don't have the time), can you roughly explain how this was done so someone else could finish the rest?

detrumi commented 5 years ago

Ah, I kinda let this PR hanging, even though I didn't finish it. The files should still be around somewhere, let me check whether I can find it.

detrumi commented 5 years ago

Sadly, I can't find the files I was working with any more. Though I'm not interested at the moment to continue this, this is roughly how I did it:

For the categories, I grouped assets together, so that multiple assets from the same unit are together in the same directory. I also gave assets names based on some rules to try to keep them consistent. Some naming conventions like <num>_<building>_<civilization>_<age>_<water/shadow/whatever> or gate_arabic_closed_ne_sw_shadow are used to distinguish similar assets.

The graphics for units, objects etc. are mostly done, I think, though some misc stuff might need better categories at some point. But you should check that no numbers are missing (for the range of assets that are graphics, if I remember correctly).

Identifying sounds and interface stuff is probably harder, and it's a lot of busywork. It might also be better to get a textual list of assets and names first, instead of dumping a huge commit with empty files, which is kind of hard to work with.

CapsAdmin commented 5 years ago

I wasn't aware that this was a lot of manual work.

The scheme you have is nice, id first, terminated by an underscore and then friendly/comment name afterwards. This should be easy for a program to parse while at the same time being user friendly if they want to browse and change assets from a file browser.

Since I'm redoing some sounds I can at least name the ones I've done. I'm thinking 12345_noname.todo or 12345.todo is fine for assets that haven't been identified.

TheJJ commented 5 years ago

I would recommend to sync the structure of the assets with the data tree, because our current plan was to mix assets and data definitions in a meaningful way (and not to have two separate directory trees). @heinezen and @mic-e are planning this. The draft of the file hierarchy is here.

The main thing to consider is that we will have .sprite files that define one "look" of a unit (including all directions and animations). The .sprite file then references to one or more .png files that actually contain the image data.

Please have a look at the file hierarchy planning document. If you have any concerns/ideas/improvements, please share them so we can work out an optimal solution :)