SFTtech / openage

Free (as in freedom) open source clone of the Age of Empires II engine 🚀
12.51k stars 1.11k forks source link

FATAL: terminate has been called uncaught exception std::exception of type std::__1::system_error: thread::join failed: Invalid argument #1573

Closed yangzhangstl closed 8 months ago

yangzhangstl commented 9 months ago
Last login: Tue Oct 10 19:26:40 on ttys000
y.zhang@yzhangdeMacBook-Pro ~ % cd openage
y.zhang@yzhangdeMacBook-Pro openage % cd bin && ./run game --modpacks de2_base
INFO [py] launching openage v0.4.1-1532-g4773e70f
INFO [py] compiled by AppleClang
INFO [py] running in DEVMODE
INFO [py] openage nyan API modpack is up to date
INFO [py] Found modpack de2_base
INFO [py] Found modpack engine
INFO loading configuration files...
INFO [py] loading config file [Union(Directory(/Users/y.zhang/openage/cfg).root @ (b'cfg',), <openage.util.fslike.union.Union object at 0x11cad9250>.root @ (b'assets',))]:cfg/keybinds.oac...
INFO launching engine with root directoryPath(Union(Directory(/Users/y.zhang/openage/cfg).root @ (b'cfg',), <openage.util.fslike.union.Union object at 0x11cad9250>.root @ (b'assets',)):)
INFO loading configuration files...
INFO [py] loading config file [Union(Directory(/Users/y.zhang/openage/cfg).root @ (b'cfg',), <openage.util.fslike.union.Union object at 0x11cad9250>.root @ (b'assets',))]:cfg/keybinds.oac...
INFO Found modpack: de2_base
INFO Found modpack: engine
INFO Created game simulation
INFO Activated modpack: engine
INFO Activated modpack: de2_base

FATAL: terminate has been called

uncaught exception

std::exception of type std::__1::system_error: thread::join failed: Invalid argument

current stack:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ?, in main+0x140 [0x102e10b88]
  File ?, in __Pyx_main(int, wchar_t**)+0x120 [0x102e10cf8]
  File ?, in PyImport_ImportModule+0x3c [0x10347b608]
  File ?, in PyImport_Import+0x10c [0x10347b770]
  File ?, in PyObject_CallFunction+0x30 [0x1033780c4]
  File ?, in _PyObject_CallFunctionVa+0x98 [0x103378168]
INFO [T1] Time loop started
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/resistance/continuous.nyan
  File ?, in cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS+0x4c [0x1033bfa00]
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/resistance.nyan
  File ?, in builtin___import__+0xa8 [0x103440744]
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/root.nyan
  File ?, in PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject+0x4dc [0x10347c178]
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/resistance/property.nyan
  File ?, in PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs+0x5c [0x103378bbc]
  File ?, in object_vacall+0xe0 [0x103378d00]
  File ?, in _PyEval_Vector+0x74 [0x103454564]
  File ?, in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0xbcac [0x103451cdc]
  File ?, in cfunction_vectorcall_O+0x5c [0x1033bf794]
  File ?, in _imp_exec_builtin+0x10 [0x103480530]
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/resistance/property/type.nyan
  File ?, in PyModule_ExecDef+0x80 [0x1033c13ec]
  File ?, in __pyx_pymod_exec_run(_object*)+0xb40 [0x102e11bc0]
INFO [T2] Loading .nyan file: engine/util/distribution_type.nyan
  File ?, in _PyEval_Vector+0x74 [0x103454564]
  File ?, in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x9db0 [0x10344fde0]
  File ?, in __pyx_pw_7openage_4game_8main_cpp_1run_game(_object*, _object* const*, long, _object*)+0x6f0 [0x10c13c288]
  File ?, in openage::run_game(openage::main_arguments const&)+0x12c [0x103e95f48]
  File ?, in std::terminate()+0x38 [0x18346feec]
  File ?, in std::__terminate(void (*)())+0x10 [0x18346ff48]
  File ?, in openage::error::terminate_handler()+0x134 [0x103f6ed88]

handing over to the system...
heinezen commented 9 months ago

Could you try to debug this yourself? I don't have an Apple machine and the other developers don't have one either, so I can't really test your issue. It would be enough if you can get the line where the error occured.

heinezen commented 8 months ago

https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/pull/1577 should solve the problem I hope