SFX-WoW / Masque

A button-skinning engine for World of Warcraft.
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Enhancement: Spell Alerts Don't Match Button Shape #361

Closed Rackelhardt closed 3 months ago

Rackelhardt commented 5 months ago

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Add-On Version



I didnt play WoW for like 14 months. When i started the game yesterday i realized that they updated the Activation Border effect. It looks more detailed now, but unfortunately it is no longer displayed round on round button skins (i.e. Masque: Raeli or Masque: Cirque). With the old effect, it was displayed round on those skins.


The icons i am using are from the addon TellMeWhen. The Skin in this case is Masque: Raeli - Ring Edge.

I am not sure if this is a problem from Masque or TellMeWhen though.

StormFX commented 5 months ago

Blizzard changed the animation API and I've yet to figure out a way to replace them. I'd recommend using a square skin.

Rackelhardt commented 5 months ago

alright, thank you

Rackelhardt commented 4 months ago

Can you say approximately whether and if so, when you will install the round activation border? I would really like to use round icons again.

thx for your work.

StormFX commented 4 months ago

No ETA currently. The new animations are a tricky situation that I'm still trying finding a work around for that won't taint everything.

Rackelhardt commented 4 months ago

Could you add the old ones in the meantime or isn't that possible anymore? Sry if thats a supid question ;D

StormFX commented 4 months ago

That code isn't available in non-Classic anymore.

StormFX commented 3 months ago

This issue should be addressed in the latest beta.

Rackelhardt commented 3 months ago


Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

I installed the Beta and it still looks like on the picture i posted. Do i have to wait until the dude who created the specific Masque skin implements it via update? In my case Masque Raeli

StormFX commented 2 months ago

Yeah. In the interim, if you're comfortable editing the skin, you can add the following at line 462 of Masque_Raeli.lua:

    SpellAlert = {
        Height = 32,
        Width = 32,

So it should read like so:

    JunkIcon = { -- Line 448
        Atlas = "bags-junkcoin", -- Gold coin icon
        -- Color = {1, 1, 1, 1},
        BlendMode = "BLEND",
        DrawLayer = "OVERLAY",
        DrawLevel = 5,
        Width = 16,
        Height = 16,
        Point = "TOP",
        RelPoint = "TOP",
        OffsetX = 0,
        OffsetY = 1,
        -- SetAllPoints = nil,
    SpellAlert = {
        Height = 29,
        Width = 29,
}, true) -- Line 466

You'll have to change the Height and Width to make it fit just right and then /reload after to test it.

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

Thx bro You are the best!

StormFX commented 2 months ago

I'm assuming it worked?

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

No. Unfortunately, it didn't work :(

I did it like u said:


reloaded and restartet the game but that didn't help.

StormFX commented 2 months ago

I'll see if I can get it working tomorrow and send you a copy of the file.

StormFX commented 2 months ago

Literally all I did was add the lines I mentioned above. I also added a section for the square skin. So if it's not working for you, make sure you're on Retail and that you have Masque's latest beta installed.

image image

Here's the file I edited. Note that you'll need to take off the .txt and then replace your existing file.


Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

Ok i just realized that its not the problem of Masque Raeli but the Problem of TellMeWhen. On my Action Bar (Bartender4) it works fine.


I guess i have to wait until TellMeWhen gets an Update.

Thank you though!

StormFX commented 2 months ago

The Beta of Masque is, well, a beta, so add-ons probably won't update until after a full release. That said, Bartender 4 is still using the old style of spell alerts, which aren't what was added in Masque's beta. If you want to see the new animations, try using Dominos or Masque Blizzard Bars (reskins the default buttons, same as Dominos but without the extra stuff).

This is Serenity with the new animation: https://github.com/SFX-WoW/Masque/assets/1234928/4cdd4267-8173-4a2f-b2d8-f70ba7c22de1

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

Okay i just tested it with Masque Blizzard Bars and Raeli works. Nice.

But one question: Who actually designed the round activation border? Was it you? And if so, is it possible that it is a bit more noticeable? So a bit brighter like the original from Blizzard or like the animation from Bartender4? Actually, I don't think the design of Bartender and Blizzard is that bad, because it completely surrounds the icon with a glow and not a single spark wandering around it. However, I find the border of Blizzard a bit too thick and too blatant. I think I like the one from Bartender4 best.

I hope I don't sound presumptuous.

It's just an idea.

P.S. Do you have any idea how long it will take to release the full version? Just a very rough estimate. Days? Weeks? In any case, thank you very much for your commitment!

StormFX commented 2 months ago

I'm hoping to get a release out before the pre-patch (7/23). I created the textures for new animations. Making them "brighter" isn't really an option at the moment because creating them is a pain (I have to create each frame separately, and there's 30 frames for each shape). Bartender 4 uses the old style and the "circle" version is just one I manipulated to a round shape.

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

Oh lol. Then Thank you very much for the work!

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

One thing I don't understand: You said earlier that you couldn't use the old round design because the code isn't available anymore in non-classic. But on the other hand Bartender seem to use the old design and it works.

Have I misunderstood something?

StormFX commented 2 months ago

Bartender4 uses its own library that effectively duplicates the old-style purely in code. The only way I could reproduce the effect is to do the same thing, which I'd have to do since not everyone uses Bartender4. That would leave users with multiple copies of the same code, depending on which version of the game they're playing and which add-ons they're using. Frankly, it's a lot of extra work and overhead for a result that's dated and frankly, IMO, ugly. :P

That said, if you like the old style, just use BT4. If I was going to do anything, it would be to back-port the new style to Classic. I dislike the old animations that much. :P

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago


The only reason I prefer the "stronger" effects is because I only play competitive arena and the stronger effects are easier to see in the corner of my eye. I could just go back to the square icons (I do that with my normal action bars too), but with the TMW icons loosely arranged around my character, it looks quite ugly when they're square.

But I think I'll get used to the new round border effect.

StormFX commented 2 months ago

I'll probably add a stronger effect later. I was playing around with some ideas that seemed to work.

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

btw. i know what caused the problem now:


Spell Alert Style was on "none" somehow.

StormFX commented 2 months ago

It defaults to being set to "None" because some people don't like the custom animations.

Rackelhardt commented 2 months ago

But its the only way to get the round animations, right?

ascott18 commented 2 months ago

It seemed to me that was the case. I found it confusing when updating TMW to support round animations that in order to make round animations be used at all I have to change this setting that's buried pretty deep.

StormFX commented 2 months ago

But its the only way to get the round animations, right?


It seemed to me that was the case. I found it confusing when updating TMW to support round animations that in order to make round animations be used at all I have to change this setting that's buried pretty deep.

The placement of the option is inline with the other animation options. I'll probably change the default setting to "Modern" since it's currently only available for Retail, but I needed to get everything working correctly before I fine-tuned things. And most people don't use non-square skins, so. :P