SFeli / T-Call_HotSpot

Internetgateway with TTGO T-Call
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WiFi.softAP doesn't work #2

Open Paolovolo opened 4 years ago

Paolovolo commented 4 years ago

I apologize if I was wrong to write here, but I have not found where to request information on this very interesting ttgo-t-call sketch. I declare that I am not a programmer. I ask for help because I can't get it to work, ESP32sim800l restarts repeatedly showing the following error: "Programm ESP32_TTGO_T_CALL_TinyGSM assertion "dataSize == readSize" failed: file "/home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/nvs_flash/src/nvs_storage.cpp", line 419, function: esp_err_t nvs :: Storage :: readMultiPageBlob (uint8_t, const char , void , size_t) abort () was called on the PC 0x400ffd7f on core 1 Restarting ... " I don't understand what kind of error it is, it occurs during installation when it requires WiFi.softAP (ssid, password); Could you help me understand? Thanks again for the work done. Paolo.

Zaurik97 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I had a similar problem but I got it working by adding esp_netif_init(); as the first line in my setup() , the way I understood it this should clean wifi stack and helps avoid some issues.

SFeli commented 6 months ago

Dear Paolovolo and Zaurik97, I have reworked the whole programm. On my oppinion the problem was that the events of the wifi server are not firing as before. The WIFI-driver has changed and so the programm didn't start the connection. By the new structure it should work. Can you please give the new version a try? Thanks and have a pleasant new year. Stefan