ATTENTION: This repository has been moved and is for archival purposes only. GPSTk toolkit has been renamed to GNSSTK and has been split into two new separate repositories. GNSSTK now only contains libraries while the other repository GNSSTK-APPS contains only applications. The rename and split into libraries and applications started with version v12.0.0 on September 2021. GPSTk --> GNSSTK at --> GNSSTK-APPS at
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Add SWIG wrappers for functions converting to GPSEphemeris. #56

Open jeffmelville opened 5 years ago

jeffmelville commented 5 years ago

As far as I can tell, EngEphemeris is deprecated and no longer compatible with the GPSEphemerisStore or related implementations. This change allows Python creation of GPSEphemeris objects from RINEX NAV files for use with a GPSEphemerisStore.