ATTENTION: This repository has been moved and is for archival purposes only. GPSTk toolkit has been renamed to GNSSTK and has been split into two new separate repositories. GNSSTK now only contains libraries while the other repository GNSSTK-APPS contains only applications. The rename and split into libraries and applications started with version v12.0.0 on September 2021. GPSTk --> GNSSTK at --> GNSSTK-APPS at
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Website down #57

Closed nanoop14 closed 3 years ago

nanoop14 commented 5 years ago

any idea on why the website and API documentation sites are down? is there any ETA for it to be back? also is there any alternatives to find the API documentation ?

masamitsutech commented 5 years ago

Hi @nanoop14, currently the website is down due to DDoS attacks on our host server. We are currently trying to resolve these issues, so no ETA at this time.

The User Manual and API documentation can actually be generated using the source code - instructions can be found in in the root directory.

If you have specific questions or information that you need that is not covered by this, I can answer those in the meantime, until the website is back up.

nanoop14 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am working on windows and have some trouble: 1.finding instructions to generate documentation and 2. installation document also points to website. Please let me know if there is something I could use.

thanks, Anoop N

masamitsutech commented 5 years ago

Here is the current Installation instructions that were on for Windows.

The GPSTk is not supported under Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0, or earlier, because templates in classes are not supported. Currently, there is support for Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 32-/64-bit and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. While makefiles for Microsoft Visual C++ are not provided in the toolkit, CMake will generate Visual Studio Project files from existing code.


Building under Microsoft Visual Studio - CMake and Visual Studio IDE


  1. Ensure that prerequisites such as CMake have been installed.
  2. Download the GPSTk source distribution.
  3. Extract the GPSTk tarball. For example, using GNU tar
    tar xvzf gpstk.tar.gz
  4. Open a command window (Command Prompt, Git Bash, or Windows PowerShell) in which to build the Visual Studio Project file using CMake.
  5. Create a directory for your build. For example, change into the gpstk/directory and type
    mkdir build_VS2012
  6. Change into the gpstk/build_VS2012 or directory; this will be where all of the build and project files will reside.
  7. If GPSTk will be installed as a system application in C:/Project Files or C:/Project Files (x86), only the CMake generator must be declared when building the project files:
    • For Visual Studio 2012 IDE 32-bit, execute the following commands:
      cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" ../ or ../dev (if using Developer repo)
    • For Visual Studio 2012 IDE 64-bit, execute the following commands:
      cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 Win64" ../ or ../dev (if using Developer repo)
  8. If GPSTk will be installed to a custom directory (Mind Spaces in Directory Name), the target installation directory and CMake generator must be declared when building the project files:
    • For Visual Studio 2012 IDE 32-bit, execute the following commands:
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/install -G "Visual Studio 11" ../ or ../dev (if using Developer repo)
    • For Visual Studio 2012 IDE 64-bit, execute the following commands:
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/install -G "Visual Studio 11 Win64" ../ or ../dev (if using Developer repo)
  9. Once CMake is finished, open Visual Studio 2012
  10. Left-click on File and choose "Open Project"
  11. In the File Explorer, navigate to the build folder and choose the VS project file, gpstk.sln.
  12. Wait until Visual Studio has completely loaded the project and finished indexing files.
  13. Under the "Solution Explorer" pane, you will see the various projects that make up the GPSTk, including "ALL_BUILD", which will build all projects except for "INSTALL".
  14. To Build the GPSTk, right-click on "ALL_BUILD" and left-click on build.
  15. Once Visual Studio has finished building the code, verify that all projects were built and no errors occurred (should match the below image).
  16. To Install the GPSTK, navigate to "Solution Explorer" pane, right-click on "INSTALL" project and left-click on build.
  17. Once Visual Studio has finished installing the binaries, verify no errors occurred (should match the below image).
  18. To verify that the applications are working, open a command window (Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell), navigate to the target installation folder, and run an application (timeconvert.exe in image below)
masamitsutech commented 5 years ago

Here is the user manual gpstk-user-reference.pdf If you'd like the API, please provide your email and I'll send it.

nanoop14 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to write a wrapper/utility around PRSolve for front end usability, Some documentation of API's could be helpful to reuse. Here is my email: Thanks for your prompt responses. Appreciate it :)

catcatbai commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am studying Gpstk. Can you send me gpstk-user-reference.pdf? Here is my

nanoop14 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am studying Gpstk. Can you send me gpstk-user-reference.pdf? Here is my

Hey, gpstk-user-reference.pdf is accessible from the above link.

You should be able to download the pdf if u click on the link. Thanks, Anoop N

spacefan commented 5 years ago

Here is the user manual gpstk-user-reference.pdf If you'd like the API, please provide your email and I'll send it.

thanks very much!