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Collegeboard MCQ 2021 Corrections #19

Open SGTech08 opened 3 months ago

SGTech08 commented 3 months ago

Collegeboard MC

Score: 47/70 Last few questions did not load so I submitted without. Real Score: 62/70

Questions Number 21

Initial Response

I thought the problem was because of a rounding error. This means I believed the mistake happened when numbers were being rounded off, which caused the count to be incorrect.

Correct Answer:

This situation is consistent with the behavior of an overflow error, not a rounding error. A rounding error would lead to imprecision in the count, rather than increasing to the point of wrapping around to a negative number.


Rounding Error: Imagine you're measuring sugar for a recipe, and you need 3.5 cups, but you only have a 1-cup measure. If you try to guess half a cup, you might not get it exactly right. That's like a rounding error – it's about being a little off because you can't measure exactly.

Overflow Error: N pour a 10-gallon tank of water into a 1-gallon container. No matter how carefully you pour, the container is just too small, and water is going to spill everywhere. In computer terms, when a number gets too big for the computer to handle, it can "overflow" and cause unexpected results, like turning into a negative number or something else that doesn't make sense.

Question number 26

My Initial Response: I chose C, thinking small tasks weren't good for parallel computing.

Why It Was Wrong: I misunderstood parallel computing.

Parallel Computing: It's like a team doing different chores at once to clean a house faster.

Small Independent Tasks: Perfect for parallel computing because everyone can do a bit without waiting on others.

Question number 33 My Initial Response: I chose A, thinking Algorithm II was tackling a problem that couldn't be solved by algorithms.

Why It Was Wrong: I got mixed up about what "undecidable" means and what Algorithm II does.

Undecidable Problems: These are super tricky problems that no algorithm can solve for every possible situation. But finding the shortest route isn't one of those; it's just really hard to do fast.

Algorithm II's Strategy: It's not about solving an impossible problem. It's about finding a quick, pretty good route by always going to the nearest next place.

Question number 39 Correction on Minimum Number of Bits Required My Initial Response: I picked D, thinking we needed 8 bits for the inventory.

Why It Was Wrong: I overestimated the bits needed.

Quick Fact: 7 bits can create 128 unique sequences, enough for 75 to 100 items. 8 bits (256 sequences) are more than necessary.

Question 44

My Initial Response: I chose C, thinking unlimited bits caused overflow errors.

Why It Was Wrong: Actually, numbers use fixed bits, leading to round-off errors when approximating real numbers.

Question 50

My Initial Response: I chose B, thinking the key in symmetric encryption should be public.

Why It Was Wrong: Symmetric encryption uses one key for both locking (encrypting) and unlocking (decrypting) data. This key must be kept secret to ensure only authorized users can access the information.

Question 54:

The question that CANNOT be answered using only the information in the database is:

B What is the average number of customer deliveries made by each truck on a particular day?

Why It Was Wrong to Choose Any Other Option:

The database tracks when trucks enter and leave the depot, their identification numbers, their weights, and the dates and times of their movements. However, it does not record how many deliveries each truck makes to customers after leaving the depot. Therefore, you can't determine the average number of deliveries per truck based on the provided data.

Question 55: I chose letter B: This code segment removes the last element of the list, then attempts to access an element at index len. This causes an error because there is no longer an element at index len.

But right answer is C since this code segment assigns the value of the last element of the list to the variable temp, then removes the last element of the list, then inserts temp as the first element of the list.

Question 58

Option A allows for processes to be done fast as possible. Using any other option will delay the progression further than using option A

Question 59:

The location is collected from the other users. The app cannot collect the Datta from Adrianna's phone. The application needs to know the location of the other users to classify it as "nearby" and then share the location of Adrianna.

Question 61:

The application will inform a user whenever a nearby compatible user starts a run. This could allow users to determine the location of a stranger, which is considered a privacy concern.

C is wrong because the running data will be inaccurate if 2 users will use same account. It won't be a privacy concern it is easily resolvable.

Question 63:

Age won't be assigned as minor The statement will assign the value adult even if it should be the value senior citizen.