SH20RAJ / AudiPlay

AudiPlay - A Free HTML5 Audio Player
MIT License
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multiple audio tags on the same page #2

Open uiux101 opened 2 years ago

uiux101 commented 2 years ago

hi , i was wondering if you can help me with this error , if i added more than 1 audio tag it works pretty fine with the first one and the rest audio tags stay the same and nothing happen , also they all have the same class name , tyvm

SH20RAJ commented 2 years ago

hi , i was wondering if you can help me with this error , if i added more than 1 audio tag it works pretty fine with the first one and the rest audio tags stay the same and nothing happen , also they all have the same class name , tyvm

Ok I will fix it and launch the next version of audiplay tysm

SH20RAJ commented 4 months ago

hi , i was wondering if you can help me with this error , if i added more than 1 audio tag it works pretty fine with the first one and the rest audio tags stay the same and nothing happen , also they all have the same class name , tyvm

Hlw bro, In AudiPlayV2 I had fixed the issue, but I thought that I should also fix this problem in this version without disturbing the previous functions.

Thanks for your comment and Apology for being so late....